Yeaaaars ago, I saw P!nk when she opened for Lenny Kravitz (when he had dreads) in my hometown. It's when she was promoting her first album. Both concerts were the best I'd ever seen. And then I got hooked on Linkin Park and, well... that's all she wrote. LOL But I was smiling the whole time. They both were ON FIYAH and it was like listening to their CDs, but live. I love concerts like that. The fact that she does the aerialist thing now is pretty cool. I'd love to see her, but after that first album, I haven't kept up with her new stuff.

Thanks for the Nat Geo link. I didn't realize they were doing tours! That would be completely awesome. Clouds and flowers sound like it would be a great name for a cute little shop of some kind (books? tea shop? something). I lurve Gerbera daisies, but don't have them all over my studio apt. Yet. In regard to big dreams (I'm not going to think about the impossible futures part):

1) Move to Costa Rica (this is the biggest one for me. I really want to GTFO of the U.S.) where I can buy land and set up a tiny home. And maybe other James Bond-themed tiny homes that I can AirBnB.

2) Make a living from writing romance fiction so I can quit my Corp Hell Job. (I'm going to start serializing short and steamy interracial romance on here. Soon. I've created a 'stack it's just waiting for my words. LOL)

3) Overseas travel, but, specifically, eco travel. Staying at eco-friendly resorts, hotels, retreats, Blue Zones, etc. Maybe even a Nat Geo tour.

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Never knowing about clouds and flowers, I was expecting energy and adrenalin on stage :)


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The thing I remember best and liking most about the one two-week “tour” I’ve ever been on (really two one-week stands in two cities) was how good we got. That’s what I envy and what I miss.

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Jul 14Liked by Kathy Valentine

Such a powerful post! I’m in for the commune in Switzerland~ esp if there are kaftans!!

my dreams are… kind of gone right now. I guess being able to go outside for more than 30 seconds (I just took out the trash and have new blisters) and experiencing a day without pain! that would be really nice 🥹🥰

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Oh Emily, my heart aches for your condition and I'm always in awe of your generosity, kindness and beautiful spirit in the presence of such difficulties. xxK

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Jul 16Liked by Kathy Valentine

Thanks, KV~ that means a lot ❤️

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Jul 13Liked by Kathy Valentine

What a great read! 🤙 I really get the clouds and flowers thing—mine is kinda weird but it has to do with the quality of sunlight at a given time and place (typically mornings or afternoons) and how it plays off buildings and trees framed against the blue sky. Kinda like looking at a painting—but what makes it weird is sometimes even I wonder what I’m actually looking at. The best word I can come up with is “connection” 🤔 like “I am that”… anyway… nice work!

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It's the same, yes, really just appreciating and noticing the beauty and how it can be found every day just looking up, looking around. xk

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super awessome read again. the dream list is killer, and seems like (phd?...) could all be easy reality. a ta go kv

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thanks! I think my list could fill up the rest of my life if I'm lucky enough for that span. xK

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¡Hola Kathy!

I’m loving having the opportunity to read your post and as always finding a connection. I’m in Spain for the summer attending Salamanca University, the oldest in Spain founded in the 1200’s and one of the oldest in Europe! Here studying my first phase of a Master’s in Spanish culture and language. It has been a dream for a very long time and I am in love with all I’ve been absorbing. I can’t wait to bring it back to my students in the fall. Attaining absolute sobriety is also a goal I’ve also checked off.

I wanted so bad to go see you perform in England, but the course work is insane. I’m taking Spanish literature courses, from the Cervantes to La Generación del 98. I’m inspired. I’m in my element. I’m grateful. As I write this I’m thinking of flowers and clouds. I love also love flowers. I gift my mom with fresh flowers every 2 weeks. I had a very close childhood friend suddenly pass on last month and it served as a reminder that we are here and the inevitable will someday come. Be the best version of yourself and love the important people in your life.

Think I’ll write a poem set in Spain in a town full of beautiful clouds and flowers.



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Wow Günther, I am so pleased for you! This is just amazing. Thank you for updating me with this incredible experience you are living. xxK

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Jul 7Liked by Kathy Valentine

Fresh flowers every week is my old-age necessary luxury.

These days my big dreams have become more like modest hopes: travel again someday, finish a family chronicle (perhaps even get it published), and if all possible, somehow figure out how to have 36 hours in each day since it seems that's what I need to get everything done.

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Jul 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

Loved this post - including the linked story from Mr. Corcoran. In a bit of turnaround, I recall seeing Billie Joe watch you from the side of the stage at the Concord Pavilion many years ago!

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oh yes, I remember that!

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Jul 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

What a great post. Love daily cloud and flower watching! Was hiking on the Isle of Man yesterday and I just could not stop appreciating the many flowers in bloom with the wind blowing the fields of oats like a constant wave. It’s beautiful to stop and notice that which brings you joy ❤️

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I'd love to experience that, will have to put Isle of Man on my list of UK spots.

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Jul 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

Wow! As usual, you drew me in somewhere I never expected to be: a Pink concert. I like her and her music, but could never cope with that ginormous crowd. A huge thanks to the Bluebonnets for that kickass set yesterday. The pup and I enjoyed it whilst I attempted to cook chicken tenders in an air fryer. I’ll spare you the extra crunchy details.

In the six years my Mom’s been gone, I’ve gone from being a blubbering mess to being able to get through the day without crying. I guess I’m getting some scar tissue at last. I think we’re all winging this, each of us on a different path.

Your dreams are indeed formidable, and I look forward to that Blues Project and the Boyfrenz. Switzerland’s nice, but a bit snowy. Are you cool with that?

My dreams?

Reconcile with my brother and nephews. That’s a tough one.

See Europe comfortably.

Florida overturning its little Dictator of a Governor so I can retire there and live in peace.

That’s about it.

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I really love your dreams, I love the idea of traveling "comfortably" -I've never heard it put like that but get exactly what you mean. And when I lived in Texas I used to be grateful there was a state (Florida) that sometimes didn't make us look quite so bad !!!! xxK

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KV...you wanted to know my BigAss dreams. I'm getting too old to likely realize some of these, but...

1. I want to take a trip around the world.

2. I want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower -- I've detailed in my substack what happened to me on my one trip to Paris that kept me from experiencing this goal.

3. I want to take the ferry from the tip of Spain to Morocco at dawn so that I can experience having being able to look at the Mediterranean and Atlantic at the same time with dolphins leaping around the boat.

4. I want to go to the tip of the Cape of Good Hope and stand with penguins at the southernmost tip of the world.

5. I want to experience the Northern Lights from the shores of Iceland.

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hope you get to do some of the travel you are longing to do! xxk

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(I won.)

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Jul 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

Streamed your Bluebonnets concert yesterday on our outdoor Big screen here in NC for our 4th of July gathering. Everybody loved it! Sent tip this morning via PayPal.

Your comments on the anniversary of your mother's death struck a cord with me. I was reminded of the date of my father's death by a well-meaning friend this past winter. I had managed for six years NOT to commemorate that awful day by not committing to memory the actual date, but now... I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who would rather NOT have a recurring day of mourning.

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wow, that's kind of cool, the big screen! amazing! thank you for being here! xk

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Jul 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

The best show I ever played was in Fell's Point in Baltimore and it was on a floor with no stage. Some old high school friends were there and a bunch of people came in from the street to hear us. There was a ton of dancing and sweating and just being in this magical moment where we were living off of each other's energy. We made $75 from tips. It was unreal. Club shows have always been my favorite.

In terms of dreams, I'm living part time in Sicily and when I'm not working, I'm baking my skin in the Mediterranean sun, eating fresh seafood and pasta and making limoncello and olive oil for my friends and cousins here. I'm living my dreams in the part time and someday, full time. I just can't imagine wanting much else. Is it wrong that I don't dream more?

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yes one of my best memories as a musician was touring a bunch of cities in Germany with Dominique and Gina as the Delphines and playing to bar staff night after night. We had a blast!

'I just can't imagine wanting much else. Is it wrong that I don't dream more?' --of course not! Being content with what you have is the ultimate dream! xk

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Jul 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

I'm sorry to have missed the live London show. I was at a casino, where I won seven bucks. So I partied like it's 1599.

My biggest big-ass dream is that my book series finally hits it big. Then I can start acting weird and adopt a phony accent except since I'll be rich people will just say I am eccentric and not just plain annoying.

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haha! thanks for writing / sharing Neil. The show is up for one more day!

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