Nov 4, 2023Liked by Kathy Valentine

Thanks for sharing KV. You’ve inspired me to check my Venmo balance and make sure I transfer to my bank account. These thieves are so organized it’s crazy. Glad the surgery went well.!

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As much as I'd like to reply to everyone individually, I don't want to strain my eyes with too much reading or computering! THank you SO SO much for your kind thoughts and wishes. I'm doing well after the cataract surgery. Looking forward to clear eyes and skies!

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I am so sorry- you got robbed, caught one robber, sat for a police interview, and WENT BACK TO WORK??

The show must go on and everything but jeeez, that's punk. Good for you. I'm terribly sorry life gave you such a crummy story to share, but you do it in a very compelling way. Hope they find everyone involved, and get you back everything. Thank you for making me glad I am too stupid to bank on my phone

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That really sucks! Was there any way you could've locked the doors to the ballroom? I would've been a little angsty with all that equipment in there with no one there to watch it. I had the surgery done on both eyes. Cloudiness gone, but the stigmatism is still there. Unfortunately. :( I still have to wear glasses.

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That was such an interesting story! I am sorry your stuff got stolen, and I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Maybe with this perps arrest it will lead (as you stated) to a bigger theft ring that can busted.

Glad all are safe 🤗

Just to note, because of the Israeli and Ukraine wars, I have been thinking about all the missing Americans in our own United States......

"600,000 people declared missing every year. Alongside that statistic, there are 4,400 unidentified bodies discovered every year. That means only 0.7333% of people who go missing are found and unable to be identified. The others are either found, or they are not." 😌

I was also Triggered by the thought several weeks ago when the movie "Breakdown" was on- there is a scene where Kirk Russell walks into the police station to report his wife missing and he sees all images of all the people missing in that state.

Missing people...Sadly, for many, it is a somber reality, as Americans go on with their daily lives, their are those who live with the question everyday

'Where is my loved one?"

Best wishes on your cataract surgery..

At some point,

try and to take it easy ! 🙂🙃

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Whoa! Short of wearing your phone on your body, there isn’t much you could’ve done to prevent this. I asked one of my tech savvy students who has some, uh, experience in iPhones that belong to other people, and was told “if they took a picture of you with their phone, it can absolutely unlock an iPhone.” The whole situation fucking sucks. With one thief caught, there’s a chance of recovering the other, and I’m sure Austin’s are taking care of their native daughter.

Best of luck with cataract #1. My Mom endured both, and enjoyed reader free eyesight almost immediately. Just keep using those drops!

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Good Lord - I am sorry that happened to you. Thieves are despicable. My 2 year old son was in the hospital with cancer and I left my purse in the room. We left for a scan and and asshole stole my purse. Talk about scumbag. Thieves target hospitals just an FYI. Also my son is OK too.

Stay safe!

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Really sorry to hear about your misfortune! Some people just plain old suck! I hope justice will be served.

Looking great in the video footage!

The detective was very correct about identifying who you are: KV- RRHOF inducted, super talented musician and songwriter and all around awesome person! 😎🆒👏👏

Take a much deserved bow

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Wow! So sorry that happened to y'all. Cannot trust anyone these days it seems. Looking forward to the finished "We Don't Play"! Sounds awesome.

Take care of yourself - and good luck with the cataract surgery! 🕊💙📚🎶

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I’m so sorry this happened Kathy :)

…but glad that they got one of the bastards (so far) … I hope the damage isn’t too bad.

…and glad that you’re playing and working and getting ready to move to the U.K.

(I was at the Virgin Records store in Oxford Street once in 1982, and the girl at the snack bar laughed at me and said “Oh my God … you sound just like Kermit!” I loved living in London ❤️…)

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I am shocked, and also greatly relieved, that you survived the steal ordeal with a minimal of damage. Forget about the money (though that may be hard to do during these uncertain times), but you suffered no injury and were able to write about it with your usual aplomb. And, yes, you remain a celebrity....

Good luck with your eye surgeries! I had those procedures performed on me two summers ago and they were indeed life-changers. For the first time in my life I just needed reading glasses and can walk and drive around with clear vision. The few days after each eye's operation you will have to drop a series of eye drop medicine. For some reason, for me each eye required a different type of eye drop. If that is the case for you, don't get them confused!

I can empathize with your daily multi-tasking schedules. Actually, I will be moving soon myself. Not as far as you, just around 90 miles (150 kilometers) down the road. I guess the only suggestion I can give in this regard is--if you have a half-hour or so of dead time at home--start packing your stuff in boxes (all those possessions that don't require muscles to move). Just in two weeks time, you would be amazed on how much you could get done. Of course, I have a feeling you know this already...my apologies if my suggestion seems redundant to you.

Looking forward to your the release of your next video and--obviously--your new music!

Have fun at the Bakersfield Comic Con! It's only a few hours drive from where I am. Who knows? Maybe I can drop by for a short while...after all, it may be your last California visit?


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Oh Kathy, I'm so sorry this happened to you and Stacia. How awful! I hope you will be able to recover your money. I'm thankful that Jake and Zach were not harmed in the scuffle with the thief. 🙏 If I'm not mistaken, I believe store employees are instructed in not getting involved in approaching shoplifters or, like in your case, any fights or brawls in the stores.

I'm looking forward to the release of the video and song! It sounds great!

No need to apologize for not writing sooner. You have a life, stuff happens. I agree with your sentiment about life here. We are so blessed to not have to endure on a daily basis the hardship that so many others around the world are facing. Stay strong. ❤️

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Noooo! What a terrible thing to happen. I'm glad you got the phone back, though, and hopefully any stolen $$.

On the bright side, though, that jacket you're wearing in the shoot? Amazing.

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so sorry that happened to you Kathy! glad you got your phone back and WTF how did they get into it? (shakes fist at steve jobs in the stardust) keep safe, much love to you always. ❤️🌞❤️🌞❤️ yer ol mrut

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I hate that this happened to you & I hope you get all of your $$~ and more importantly, peace of mind back. Hopefully the scumbag gets some serious consequences, too. Honestly not surprised no one helped at that store & I hate that. This might help explain the code bypassing: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/hidden-vulnerability-ios-face-id-how-hackers-exploit-pin-based-rocha?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via

Hope your surgery & recovery are flawless!! Anything with eyes is so scary. When my mom had her surgery, I kept reminding myself that the doctor is a specialist with a ton of experience doing the procedure (and great reviews- I totally read them) and that to the dr, this was a “routine” day at work. It helped slightly~ the remaining anxiety was mainly a function of my tendency to panic at all times. ha

Reach out if you need!


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