Hey girl, that's a funny bummer about the leggings. I've got a funny one about plane travel. I'm a long haired hippie freak. They NEVER search me! But they always do the pat down on the little old ladies in the wheelchairs! When I travel with the fam, I go thru no prob. My wife on the other hand, get the full body cavity search. I sit in the chair waiting and laughing. I make comments like, do you get a complimentary breakfast or happy ending with that? She laffs and tells me to shut the fuck up! Only for the boneheads to finally figure out it's the underwire! 🤣🤣🤣

I'm sorry I was late with reading. I've been have a bit of a time. You're probly there already. Enjoy life! Love you KV.


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Wow. Private jet flights for humans and pets. That company really capitalized on a niche market. I don't see the big airlines ever changing their rules about pets, so I see more companies like this one being created.

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I love your list. I'm smack in the middle of my 50s and I feel very similar as you do! Happy to have discovered you here on substack. :)

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Jan 28Liked by Kathy Valentine

It’s been fun following your travels this month online. Can’t wait for you to settle in UK and start to meet and mingle the community there. I’ve always loved britpop music and the thought of you finding like-minded musicians in the UK to collaborate with the way you have in Austin and La is really exciting for me as a fan. Hopefully for you too. And thanks for the advice post 50. Struggling with a couple of those now as I’m in my early 50s. But life is good and I’m enjoying figuring it all out. The advice helps. Also, is buying you a coffee in the UK possible ? Cheers.

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“It looks like the wearer has a terrible disease or maybe the most perfect, symmetrical cellulite ever invented.” MUJAJAJAJA!!! I literally cackled out loud! It was my birthday this past Tuesday, the 23rd! Thank you for sharing your tips over 50! Congratulations on your induction, your sobriety and all your achievements! I’ve learned to be patient, not to say what you will do but let the results speak for themselves. To have the balls to go out there and be the best version of you and yes being sexy in your mind. Thank you, Kathy for sharing! Hoping this new year will be the best ever for us all and that I get a chance to see you at one of your events!! When I was a kid, decades ago, I always wanted to hang out with you! I truly appreciate this medium.

XX Günther

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Jan 26Liked by Kathy Valentine

shit, did I miss the Sacramento event? or is it a private affair? We're just outside Sac. Love reading your words and emotion KV ❤️

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You should snag a side-hustle as a K9 Jets spokeswoman! And yes, it's about freaking time airlines created a "pets section" or premium charges for taking your pet. KV, congrats on all your milestones!

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

KV, I think your phrase "when life swerves and curves and leaves us uncertain about where to go and how to get there" has the makings of a solid lyric for a yet-to-be written song. 💜

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

Congratulations on your birthday and the peace I feel you are achieving. Thanks for sharing this info about flying over seas with your furry family. Invaluable info as I have been wondering how I would get Stella my nine year old black lab to Europe when I escape this place . Your strength is an inspiration to me . I love how you just keep moving and figuring things out . Congratulations on the cali hall of fame was wondering what your relationship was to the former band mates will they all show up. Did you get sober at the same time as any other former Gogos I seem to remember from the documentary about your former band some one else going to rehab. Be well again thanks for sharing your life with us !

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

KV: Legging Terroist. OMG!! What an experience that must’ve been. Glad you are safe and not before a court. I wonder if diabetic compression socks have the same makeup as the leggings. Check into those. They’re pretty long, not up to thighs though. Congrats on California induction!♥️♥️

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

Congrats again on your sober anniversary, as I go on and on about many a time with you I'm fast approaching my 15th anniversary. But as my life goes on it doesn't get much easier or easier at all really. It is what it is but with my situation it's taxing. Anywho, I'm trying to figure out a way to get up to Toronto in March to see a show, crazy I know but I need to get the hell out of Jersey and away from temptations. Although looking a couple months ahead seems like a lot. Enough about my exhausting life and here's to you finally getting some rest eventually haha. Also congrats on the induction

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

You’re an amazing writer and the party favors! WOW! And congrats on your sobriety anniversary.

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

Ugh. Heathrow. They're not modest about their searches either. I was once questioned as if I were IRA. As for the kitties! I'm so excited for your journey with them on the charter flight! Please record every detail! I'm a big cat person and a big aviation nut, so it's all exciting to me!

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

cool airline! make the cats wings or capes. givem the window seat!

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Jan 25·edited Feb 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

So happy for your 35th, Ms. Valentine! Major props and a huge BRAVA to you!!!

My daughter is getting ready to move to New Zealand for work, and wanted to take her cat. In the end, she’s entrusted the wee thing to me, and I’m grateful for that trust.

Your writing is really wonderful. Thank you for continuing to share, and for trusting us.

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Jan 25Liked by Kathy Valentine

"Cats on a Plane" -- Let's see if Samuel L. signs up for THAT movie!

Good flying!

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