I’m encouraged to read that you got hearing aids. That’s so smart. I need them, too—-tinnitus, along with upper-mid and high-end hearing loss…the whole thing. My tinnitus started when a teenager slammed into my car from the rear and totaled it in 2015. No ear doctor would believe me. Music didn’t start it; I’ve worn earplugs since the 80’s. Anyway, may I ask what kind you got?

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wonderful read, KV! 😊

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Mar 14Liked by Kathy Valentine

No worries!

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Mar 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

Sounds like you’re enjoying a wonderful new chapter in your life. I’m so happy for you, Kathy. Tinnitus sucks, I’ve got it in my left ear. 😠 Glad you found relief.

Are you going to do more music with Zach?? ♥️♥️🤞🏼

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Mar 5Liked by Kathy Valentine

I love this first chapter of your new adventure ....Texas misses ya already. Taco withdrawal will kick in eventually lol. What a wonderful beginning though...and so brave to put yourself out there with the unknown and socialize....date even! So cool! Today is the 4th and my FB memories popped up a year ago today when you and Gina came up to Dallas for that comicon thing...It was so fun! Also ran into your Bluebonnets sometimes drummer Christina at the GC I work at up here when she was buying some sticks so that was amazing too.

So happy to see you enjoying the UK...know you won't be missing this Texas heat in the summer but we sure miss you! Take care of those ears😉

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

You sent me on a whole hearing aid rabbit hole! I never knew that my tinnitus in my left ear could be caused by hearing loss. So I took an online test, and sure enough, my left ear is impaired. But the price! Ugh! I guess I'll suffer until it's really bad. Geeze - I wish insurance covered hearing aids!

Do you get NHS coverage now that you're a citizen?

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

Hi Kathy, If you haven't read it, consider picking up "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking," by Susan Cain. I am generally a fiction reader, but this was a big one for me. She explains intro/extraverts as well as the grey areas around both.

I loved this piece, as I love everything you write! Cheerio!

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

Hey Kathy,

Thanks for this read, well for each and every one!

I have a friend who is an Introverted Extrovert. I had never heard the title/diagnosis before her. She is the head of multiple committees, every fundraiser, the 1st to speak up or volunteer to give reports. I could go on about her extrovert attributes for days. I didn’t find out until we became close that all of this was secretly killing her. Here lies the introvert part that was impossible for me to believe at first. Not sure if you have ever heard of this but thought you might find it interesting.

Thanks so much for sharing your new life. You are an inspiration!

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

I smiled through this whole piece. Your journey is so inspiring and interesting to me . I love the way you write and how your mind works. Thank you for sharing!

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I am happy to know my fellow 1/7 child is proud of her older age, as I am too, even with its attendant health matters and cultural challenges (don't even get me started about online dating; Isn't a good venue for a rock'n'roll bohemian guy outside the norm like me).

And don't ever doubt the allure of a cool mature woman. Met one on Saturday night on tour with a friend's band (you know him from the LA scene, maybe her too). Started taliking to her at the merch booth and we discovered we knew of one another professionally, had a great, fun chat, vibed nicely. A little later I kinda beheld her, age approprate (53), bit of gray in her hair, a quite dynamic and attractive mature woman I would wanna know better if she wasn't just passing through.

Point being, and what as a man I have learned as I age, is there is something very special about women who age with distinction. As you have, living perhaps as I do by the dictum of one of my favorite Bob Dylan lines: He [or she] who is not busy being born is busy dying. Having followed your career, read your book, gotten to know you a bit online and through here on Substack, and enjoy your writing as a writer/editor myself – do feel remiss that I haven't gotten my homebody self outta the house to come see the Austin band you love, also as I know Dominique from years back in NYC – it's kinda obvious you keep getting better. Keep pn keeping on as you do, Valentine. You're a prize.

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

I love this so much!! It speaks to what I want so much...community, and also to embracing the wonder, joy and knowledge that comes with age. Thank you, Kathy!

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It's nice when you read a shared experience, knowing you're not alone in the adventure of life. I've also been trying to form a community where I live (as an American expatriate) in the Netherlands. But communities in Europe, as I have discovered having lived in three different countries over that past 28 years are very different from the ones we have back home. They are very tightly knit and typically extend back to childhood, so making friends and finding kindred spirits is quite a challenge.

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

You mentioned in an earlier post where you’re living roughly - we’re not far away and I always found it interesting that there is some sort of waffle shop nearby like they knew my tastes. Perhaps you found it by now.

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

Oh wow! I think our fantasy generating brains are similarly wired! Also, I used to be confused about whether I was introverted because, like you, I’m not particularly shy, but just being “on”, socially, drains me. It can leave me feeling like I’ve given 3 times the blood I should have. It would take me several wide open days of solitude to recover from a luncheon with twelve strangers! :) You are an inspiration and I love your writing.

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

I definitely understand the introvert/extrovert battle. As an only child who grew up in a rural area with no one my age around, I learned to entertain myself. It's still hard to be in crowds. I am a lot more shy than I appear- and I tend to try to lead conversations so I can control the situation . When I met you last fall I'm sure I started as a bit of a babbler, but you did indeed put me at ease... and I was able to keep it together until getting back to the car. (Then came the shrieks of joy)

I have the opposite when it comes to ears, I have such supersonic hearing my co-workers know they can't talk about me if I am anywhere in the building lol.

Would love to see some pictures from your walks. I need to start walking again , weather permitting, but my scenery is almond orchards and rice fields.

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Mar 4Liked by Kathy Valentine

I love the realness of your writing! My college buddy is at the UK Kennel Club in London if you're missing a dog or two. Her dog is "Bob" and she just released her first book with the Kennel Club with the photos she shoots for them.

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