Congratulations to you and your band mates on this honor! Love you all and am happy to see you recognized.

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Wow. Congratulations. I love your "I'm honored your honor" comment.

Your Substack is one of the handful I still take time to read. I WILL upgrade when I can.

Sorry to use this comment to diverge away from your wonderful and deserved honor... but, last night, I finally started reading your book, "All I Ever Wanted." It's been a while since I've found a book I have a hard time putting down (I finally did put it down after one in the morning).

I have so many thoughts: Your dynamic with your mom was intense and interesting--and adds to the huge hole you must feel from her physical absence.

Man, I thought my childhood innocence was cut short (my dad's porn collection, the nude beaches we camped on, and the perv neighbor who took me to a porn movie helped cut my bubble of innocence off around nine)... I nodded my head when you wrote about how having "Hang ups" in the 1970s was about the worst thing, back then. I say the same in my 1970s childhood stories. Like you, I was a latchkey kid who could have used some parental regulation. That's something else I relate to in your stories. Also, the reputation bullshit--ugh. I remember that well. The experiences you shared made me want to travel back in time to Austin, jump on my Schwinn bike, and kick some balls. Anyway, I relate to those experiences. But you had some EXTRA intense family stuff I cannot relate to. I won't say more. I appreciate that you're authentic and shared your life with us.

I admire you for what you've experienced and for becoming the person you are today, being acknowledged and honored for the joy you've given to people. I'm only a few years behind you, but your music brings forth the good memories of my life.


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Feb 20Liked by Kathy Valentine

I *so* get it! My creative process is MESSY & a lot of times, it’s because too many things “could” work.


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And the final Handbook play: Censorship. Always. Uncanny. Very curious if it was KV or Julian who deleted it. Either way, it's always the exact.. same... play-by-play, and mature discourse never even begins. Ever. Not once.

I had a great time with lifelong memories made with ya in the studio, KV, but this world has reached a point where politics are destroying our lives, and if we don't all figure it out TOGETHER, it will be (it already is) too far past the point of returning to normal life.

Maybe fawning over someone like Newsom was too big of an emotional trigger to ignore. Newsom who threw in our faces that he and his comrades were good to party and feast in luxury while we, the peons, had to be locked up (!) and work-less (!) and in face diapers (!), was to be our new world, and we were to accept it. I never thought that was okay. I'd be shocked to believe you, or anyone, did. Maybe selective memory is at play, I have no dang idea.

Like I said to Julian (or whatever his name was): You do you, boo, as long as you're happy. I've shifted away from most all things "Left" in the past few years. The Left likes a good time, but is always sarcastically unhappy, always "resisting", always blaming everyone else for their misery. It's much nicer "over here" when I'm out of those circles. I don't need to be IN music to enjoy music anymore, so I no longer need to tolerate all the things I patiently tolerated for decades. I know far too many people and local bands that hide in the Not-Liberal Closet because the wolf packs would destroy them. I don't live in that fear. I'd rather be true and honest (and try to connect rather than separate) without that unfair pressure of false ideas that might be projected onto me without ever asking me a single, specific question, and actually having discussions with me.

Take care, K. Go-Go ahead and delete this, too. ; )

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Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you! I think a lot of us try to make a difference. Hoping we all will this year🤞

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Feb 20Liked by Kathy Valentine

It was not as high profile as yours, but the highest honor I've ever been given outside someone wanting to marry me. The New England Water Environment Association recognizes water quality professionals (sewer workers) at its annual conference. I was shocked to receive the Alfred Peloquin Award for my contributions to the industry. Coming to this business a little later than most, I am grateful for the acknowledgment by people who have accomplished much more in the environmental field.

I don't think my own plant actually knows about it yet, but the boss' boss' boss does, whose acknowledgment in itself is an award.

Hope you are finally settled in!

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Feb 20Liked by Kathy Valentine

Great, both parts. Interested to hear your take on British politics, which I sorta follow. Highly recommend Larry the Cat's posts on what I still call Twitter (Larry's one of the few things I still log onto that site for.)

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

Go Go's and Lobos. The year of the 🎶oh ohs.

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

Congratulations, happy for you!

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

Thank you for the rest of the story Kathy. I enjoyed hearing about your whirlwind trip. It was a great honor to be sure. I love that you all made it to the kitchen to get the good fresh food! I had to chuckle. I can just imagine the staff rounding you all up. Have a good week as you settle in to your new normal.

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

Great photos! Congrats again. Get some sleep!

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

As a fellow shocked award winner, I get it, Kathy. What was it Groucho said about club membership? But we are deserving. Someone thought we made a contribution, and I'm not about to second guess them! Thanks for the update, the pics, and letting us know you survived (I have never successfully negotiated jetlag in either direction ever). And you met Los Lobos?? How freakin' cool are you?? :)

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

Thanx for giving us the low down! I love to hear Go-Go stories and you are such a good writer. I think you did a great job "winging ' the speech :). It was honest and sincere. I also saw some of the red .carpet moments. You guys are so funny together. One of the reasons Ive been a fan since' 79 !

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

wonderful recap and photos Kathy! Love your writing

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Feb 19Liked by Kathy Valentine

Your speech was great! Your bandmates had confidence in you when, on the spot, they pretty much elected you to speak!! Thanks for sharing your adventure.

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